welcome to tatsuma's page

if you have something to tell, drop here: secreto

My nick name is tatsuma, taken from my favorite character from gintama anime, Sakamoto Tatsuma.

hello I'm user of itadoriy or tatsuma. I'm 20+.
itadoriy is a fancc that often retweetes a lot of random things or things that I think are interesting such as animanga info, game, memes, readings, rlthingy and many more.
sering meretweet sesuatu
I am not into bl / gl, but I am still okay with those of you who are into bl / gl.
I likes spoilers for certain content only.
I'm trying to minimize the spread of leaks, from manga or anime.
I tweet and retweet lots of random things in one day, so if I feel annoyed feel free to bub me.
The limitation on the use of offensive language that I use is "anjir, njir, anj, shit, damn, kuso, chikuso". lol

mau nulis nama semua husbu takut kepanjangan, ehehe. tapi untuk saat ini saya masih jatuh hati pada oknum gojo satoru.

better do not follow if

suka post/ retweet konten spoiler sembarangan tanpa trigger warning

suka ngomong kasar sembarangan

under 18

I read and watch various animanga and play several games with various genres (most of which contain ikemen) such as:

chainsawmanjujutsukaisentwisted wonderlandenstarspsycho pass
golden kamuysaoboku no hero academiadr. stonespyxfamily
jigokurakutoilet bound hanako kunyuri on icehorimiyawotakoi
bleachshingeki no kyojinbungo stray dogstower of godgod of highschool
kanokarifire forceoregairumy love: queen's choice (evol x love)kimetsu no yaib
idaten86mushoku tensaibakutengenshin
seiyuubutaiand many other  

my precious mutual<3

nai - debucchi - geff - sapy - zah - zai - sensen - akari - yumi - yuzu - lele - oci - el - dip - i meh - ran - nayy - anggi - pungi - rara - mona - iva - ody - icel - arra - narumi - ann - rav - amane - yu - nana - han - refi - nad - anin - panpan - la - cacao - anya - lin - kagu - shion - airin - rei - beyaf - jeromu - nine - ninin - riks - zi - yuu - beyan - mika - oddy - nash - ei - taki - sal - kina - zee - natta - jee - beryl - aul - meng - utoki - gita - chiru - flo - ela - ozo - kak kentang - nana - ayane - aju - lai - amma - shen - Lia - deku - mika - mel - ruru - cepi - rin - sas - iroha - laz - ai - pon - dyo - hilih - jil - gin - now - lyra - gez - dan lain lain dan lain lain

semoga tidak bosan dan terganggu seama bermutualan dengan saya._.

Sometimes I draw something I like.

you can find more on my art acc:
twitter art account
instagram art account